
Always on Tuesdays and always free.   Click Here to Support Noontime Concerts


“A setting that couldn’t be more divine…a workday oasis.”

–San Francisco Chronicle


“Noontime concerts are so rewarding. The April 10 recital was really special. The cello was fine and Graber’s piano accompaniment is always sensitive. The Bach Adagio was especially beautiful. Thank you.”

— Bruce and Mary Jo Byson

Just a word of sincere thanks for archiving your concerts in this long period of deprivation of being present for live performance!

I play them!  and play them again!!

I access one via Safari when I sit down at my desktop computer to do some email stuff!  and enjoy the music as I write and “think”!  It is a great amenity!!

sometimes when I am not interested in any of the music available on KDFC or my satellite radio stations,   I “tune in” to a Noontime Concert and enjoy the music in other nearby parts of the house!  Wonderful!

Susan Lucas