Examiner review of Artists’ Vocal Ensemble (AVE) — 2012 April 3
Examiner review of Artists’ Vocal Ensemble (AVE) — 2012 April 3

Today’s program in the Noontime Concerts™ series at Old St. Mary’s Cathedral was given by five members of the Artists’ Vocal Ensemble (AVE), including Artistic Director Jonathan Dimmock. Two works were presented, the “Mass for Three Voices” by William Byrd and Thomas Tallis’ setting of the first five verses of the book of Lamentations, attributed to the Prophet Jeremiah. Both works were sung in Latin, which is significant in the context of the pendulum (those who were there might have preferred to call it a wrecking-ball) swing between Catholicism and Protestantism under Tudor monarchies. Both works on the program had decidedly Catholic preferences (which seemed appropriate for the setting in which they were sung)…

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